Mohamed Hamdy Personal Page
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Mechatronics Engineer Graduate with excellence, studied at Higher Technological Institute (HTI) 10th of Ramadan
I have a great passion for embedded systems and cross-platform applications, I also like building
projects that involve a microcontroller and an application on mobile phone or on desktop to control that
microcontroller or to monitor its activity while it is working.
Some personal projects are:
- Desktop Application using Qt Framework (C++):
- Delta Robot pick & place with object detection (Graduation project).
- Internet_10 (just to get the hang of Qt Framework).
- 3D design using SolidWorks:
- Delta Robot (Graduation project).
- Arm design for RC Car line follower for pick and transport.
- 3D prototyping at some subjects that I have taken.
- Arduino Programming:
- Delta Robot (Graduation project).
- RC Car line follower for pick and transport.
- RC Car obstacle avoidance using ultrasonic proximity sensors.
- RC Car remote controlled with camera view (incomplete).
- PCB Design (Autodesk Eagle):
- Workbench power supply.
- L298N based DC motor driver.
- Flutter (personal projects):
- New Notes App (EQM Notes).
- Internet usage calculator (Internet_9).
- Old Notes App (Notepad Markdown).
- Timer Application (All Jobs Timer).
- Remote control for RC Car (incomplete).